
New Blog

I will be shutting down this blog in September. I will no longer be posting here anymore. My new Blog is here: ornettealfie


happy easter

I would have bought these carousel animals if they weren't over $4000.00. I especailly love the cat with the bird in its mouth. Selma, North Carolina


mary's lamb

I made this today.


the art of war

This is one of the war rugs I saw this week.
When I was learning to weave on a floor loom I started to research different types of rugs. My teacher told me about Afgahni war rugs. I have no idea (well, some idea) of how they're made. I wanted to try to make one myself, but I got distracted and never got around to it. I saw a few this week at the Charlotte Antique Fair (the fair was a bust, but that's another story) and I decided to do more research. Now, I think I am re-inspired to give it another go. I don't plan on using my floor loom for this. Instead I think I will make a basic nail-in-board loom. I would imagine a small (10"X10") rug will take about 40hours. We'll see.
I found this one online at warrug.com.


my new feed sacks

I bought these feed sacks (1940s) from the antique show in Charlotte. If you are in the area I would recommend skipping this one. It was $7 to get in and the vendors were over priced. This show has a lot of non-antiques and repros too, so be careful if you buy.


April Fool

"Microsoft Corp. said it is releasing a new Xbox 360 video game, "Alpine Legend," which will do for fans of yodeling what "Guitar Hero" did for rock music."

I couldn't help but laugh out loud (thankfully the office is empty this rainy morning) when I read this quote:

I will admit it, I was looking for information about the April Fool's Day Worm that is all over the news this morning and yesterday. I instead came to this article from CNN.com : http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/04/01/april.fools.pranks/index.html


My Favorite Recipe: Cucumber Salad (Uborka Salata)

Cucumber Salad (Uborka Salata)
-2 medium sized Cucumbers
-2 tsp. salt
Wash and pour cucumbers, slice very thin, put into a bowl and sprinkle with salt. Mix lightly and set aside for about an hour. Meanwhile, combine and set aside:
-3Tbsp. vinegar
-1/2 c. water
-1/2 tsp. sugar
-1/4 tsp. paprika
Squeeze cucumber slices, a handful at a time and put into a bowl, discard salty liquid. Pour vinegar mixture over the cucumbers nd toss together. Sprinkle a little paprika over them for color. Chill.
Optional: add 2 heaping Tbsp. of sour creme. add small onion thinly sliced.


Paper Marionette

I made a paper marionette. I got lazy and didn't add her bottom half. I think she turned out ok despite not having any legs. The image above is a close up of her face.I got inspired from this 1920s Pinocchio doll that I found in one of my old public school text books.
I made a basic template so that you can make your own. To make one like mine (not the 1920s version), print the template (below). And paint, draw, or collage on top. Then cut and add the brads. Please let me know if you have any trouble with the template or if you need further help.



This is portrait I did of Joey using prisma colors. Isn't he handsome!? I kinda think this one is a little Fauvist in color. But the lines are not as broad and general as they should be to be in a true fauvist-style. I don't think he looks like a "wild beast." Here is the example of Fauvism we were given in Art History class in college:

Matisse, Woman in Hat, 1905


Eating in the Spring

I have made an oath to myself to actually use the vintage cookbooks I collect. I must admit that I am not much of a chef... I can do eggs (scrambled, over-easy, even quiche), and prepared foods in the microwave --no sweat. I had planned to use this book on Sunday and share my results, but unfortunately we had a death in my husband's family. I am not sure how much blogging I will be able to get to this week, but I have a few minutes this morning to share my plan for blog-topics with you:
  1. vintage cookbook meals
  2. real estate / interior design related
  3. crafts & culture from around the globe.
  4. my artwork.
  5. eco-tips I've picked up for around the house & garden.
  6. tutorials and freebies.
  7. sewing and fiber arts.


Welcome to the Dollhouse

I have been thinking dollhouses a lot lately...
dollhouse by Petronella Oortman

I love that the rooms are in an armoire.

Dollhouse from Gaudi's Casa Ballto in Barcelona.

The rooms are so lovely. Every detail was thought of... including a miniature priest praying in the doll's home chapel. Gorgeous.


Bird Luminary

1.Materials Needed for Bird Luminary

To make this Bird Luminary you will need to print out the PDF template. You will need an Xacto Blade, battery-operated tea candle, paper, straight edge, and glue or tape.
2. Carefully Cut Template

You will want a sharp blade for this project and a steady hand. Go Slow.
3.Trace Template

Place the cut template on paper of choice. I used thick paper with no pattern for tutorial purposes. Tape it down with a low-tack tape (like masking or painters tape), and trace with a light pencil stroke. Remove template and cut, again.
4.Lift Edges

Gently lift edges outward. Or skip this step by cutting the shapes out.
5. Finished Bird Luminary
Gently bend the paper and attatch overlap with glue or tape. Use any paper (if its thin, consider lamination). I suppose you could use tin if you have the tools and a little chalk. Or maybe even laminated fabric?

{I will email you the PDF if you have any trouble downloading it from the link provided under step one.}