
happy easter

I would have bought these carousel animals if they weren't over $4000.00. I especailly love the cat with the bird in its mouth. Selma, North Carolina


mary's lamb

I made this today.


the art of war

This is one of the war rugs I saw this week.
When I was learning to weave on a floor loom I started to research different types of rugs. My teacher told me about Afgahni war rugs. I have no idea (well, some idea) of how they're made. I wanted to try to make one myself, but I got distracted and never got around to it. I saw a few this week at the Charlotte Antique Fair (the fair was a bust, but that's another story) and I decided to do more research. Now, I think I am re-inspired to give it another go. I don't plan on using my floor loom for this. Instead I think I will make a basic nail-in-board loom. I would imagine a small (10"X10") rug will take about 40hours. We'll see.
I found this one online at warrug.com.


my new feed sacks

I bought these feed sacks (1940s) from the antique show in Charlotte. If you are in the area I would recommend skipping this one. It was $7 to get in and the vendors were over priced. This show has a lot of non-antiques and repros too, so be careful if you buy.


April Fool

"Microsoft Corp. said it is releasing a new Xbox 360 video game, "Alpine Legend," which will do for fans of yodeling what "Guitar Hero" did for rock music."

I couldn't help but laugh out loud (thankfully the office is empty this rainy morning) when I read this quote:

I will admit it, I was looking for information about the April Fool's Day Worm that is all over the news this morning and yesterday. I instead came to this article from CNN.com : http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/04/01/april.fools.pranks/index.html